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Masonic Emblems

In the Masonic Emblems category you will find a variety of types of emblems, some of which have multiple uses. Most commonly sought are car emblems which you can use either stickers or molded metal/plastic stick on emblems. Magnetic emblems are available upon request. We have a small selection of extremely high quality challenge coins but do not manufacture custom coins for individual lodges at this time. Iron-on patches can turn any hat, shirt, bag or other textile into an emblem of your order in under five minutes. Conchos are a very specific type of emblem often used in leather working but can be used for a variety of crafts related projects.

Challenge Coins

Made famous by the military, these coins are meant to be always carried by the members of an organization or group. They are used for members to present random challenges to one another. Here is an example scenario: A member, let's call him Dan, is hanging out with a few of the guys smoking cigars. Dan decides to challenge the others for a cigar. He does this by declaring it, pulling out his challenge coin and placing it on the table. The other members must then also produce their challenge coins. If any of the members do not have their coin, those lacking will have to buy Dan a cigar. However, if everyone else can produce their coin, the challenger, Dan, must buy the other members a cigar. Although not typically used by an entire lodge, many subsidiary clubs or groups use them independently.
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