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Masonic Graces

Hand picked prayers for before or after a masonic meal or festive board.

And remind us Lord, when we go hence, That Masonic jewel - benevolence.

As we gather round the social board for the last meeting of this season, let us give thanks for the food, drink and Good Companionship we have enjoyed. May the blessing of heaven rest upon us and all regular masons. May brotherly love prevail and every moral and social virtue cement us. So mote it be.

Brethren, as we are gathered tonight, united by the principles of Broth- erly Love, Relief and Truth, let us give thanks to the GAOTU for the food, drink and Good Companionship that we are about to enjoy.

Creator and provider of all things we thank You for this occasion, and ask your blessing upon the food that has been prepared for us. We thank you also for the fellowship with our brothers. Enrich us in our time around these tables, that through our conversations and sharing we may become more committed to understanding and supporting one another in words and actions which are consistent with Your laws and the principals of our Craft. Amen..

For food to eat and those who prepare it,
For health to enjoy it and friends to share it,
May the Great Architect of the Universe be blessed and praised.

For these and all his benefits, may the Great Architect of the Universe be blessed and praised.

From the sin of gluttony, and the pain of indigestion, may the Great Architect of the Universe protect us.

God help us all to pass this way, With love fraternal on this day, And remind us too of those in need, While we sit and drink and feed.

Great Architect be praised,
My belly's been raised,
An inch above the table
And I'll be damned,
If I'm not crammed,
As full as I am able.

Great Artificer of the Universe, Who has provided us with refreshment from Thy bounty, bless, we beseech Thee, with Thy gracious favour, our continued humble efforts to Thy service.

Great Artificer of the Universe, Who providest refreshment for those who work, bless, we beseech Thee, this Thy bounty with Thy gracious favour that, this meal ended, we may return to our labours and consecrate our humble efforts to Thy service.

Let us give thanks for the food and drink we laid before us and for the Good Companionship we enjoy each month, but most of all we ask that the Great Architect continue to help us to practice outside the Lodge those virtues we have been taught in it.

Lord God, Great Architect of the Universe, who has so inspired the ancient members of our Craft that in the bond of brotherhood they met each others needs and first of all men came together in the hidden mysteries handed down to us, give us, we beseech Thee, grateful hearts, that in joyful service we may bring relief to the unfortunate, and in perfect loyalty both preserve our trust and leave behind us an increased inheritance.

Lord God, Great Architect of the Universe,
who has so inspired the ancient members of our Craft
that in the bond of brotherhood they met each others needs
and first of all men came together in the hidden mysteries handed down to us,
give us, we beseech Thee, grateful hearts,
that in joyful service we may bring relief to the unfortunate,
and in perfect loyalty both preserve our trust and leave behind us
an increased inheritance.

Lord we bless Thy Holy Name and thank Thee for all Thy Gifts, especially the Gift of Friendship.

Lord, we here all are fit and able, To enjoy this festive table, But ever mindful we shall be, Of those that need our charity.

Lord, we thank you for the food and drink that we have received,
also for the Good Companionship tonight and throughout our season,
grant that we may all meet again to witness the installation of the Master Elect.

Lord, we thank You for the social board that we have enjoyed. Renewing old acquaintances, making new friends. But we ask You to be also with those brethren who could not be with us and all those who ate alone.

Mason one, and Masons all, Masons here from wall to wall, Masons thick, and Masons fast, All thanking God for a great repast.

May our grateful thanks ascend, To Him from whom all blessings flow May we always have a square meal, Within the length of our cable-tow.

May the blessing of Heaven rest upon us, and all regular Masons! May Brotherly love prevail, And every moral and social virtue cement us.

May the G.A.O.T.U.
Bless that which his bounty has prepared for us
and may he give us greatful hearts and help us
to supply the wants and needs of our fellow creatures.

So mote it be.

May the Great Architect of the Universe bless His gifts to our use, and whilst partaking of His benefits, make us ever mindful of the needs of others. So mote it be.

May the Great Architect of the Universe bless that bounty which He has provided for us and make us mindful of the needs of others.

May the Great Architect of the Universe bless that which His bounty has provided.

May the Great Architect of the Universe give us grateful hearts and supply the needs of others.

We are speaking to you now, O Lord, At the end of festive board, With humble thanks for such a spread, And now before we go home to bed, Let us with all reverence say, Thank you God for a smashing day

We thank Thee, Architect Above,
For good food and brotherly love.
Relief for all in need we pray,
Thy Truth, our Aid from day to day.

We thank Thee, Architect above, for good food and brotherly love. Relief for all in need we pray, Thy Truth, our Aid from day to day.

We thank Thee, Father, for the happy fellowship of our Fraternity, and for all Thy bounties spread before us. Grant that through these blessings we may be strengthened and refreshed for Thy service.

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